Axolotl, the animals that can smile

AXOLOTL, the animals that can smile. I always want to have one of the axolotl. Why? Because, i think Axolotl can smiles. And it’s really cute when it smiles. Scientific classification Based on wikipedia , this is the Axolotl classification: Kingdom : Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Order: Urodela Family: Ambystomatidae Genus: Ambystoma Species: A. mexicanum Axolotl is also known as Salamander mexico. Although called a walking fish, axolotl is not a fish, but it's an amphibi. This is an amphibian in the paused state of metamorphosis. This animal from the more similar salamander family is Tiger Salamander and is the larval stage of being a salamander. Metamorphic failure is due to a lack of thyroid stimulating hormone that induces the thyroid to produce thyroxine. T...