
          A few months ago, my school friend and I went to Cibereum Village in the framework of 'Bakdes'. We went to the village using public transportation that had been rented by the school. Since our number is right, I and all the girls in my class are angkot.
         At that time, my condition was not good. A few days before the bakdes, I had a fever. But, I forced to keep going to the village because they did not want to follow the next year. I want adesk with my friends.
          The first day from morning to afternoon went smoothly. I can still participate in activities smoothly. It was a bit weak but after taking medicine, my pain was bearable. In fact, I was able to play on the hill with my friends. I rolled from the top of the hill to the foot of the hill. I was happy until then.
          When it was late afternoon, my condition worsened. My fever is high again and I can only stay quiet at the halfway house. Until arriving, Mr. Hendi accompanied by Ariq came to see me to see my situation. The night my fever got worse. I wake up every hour. In fact, my friend Jasmine offered me a blanket and took part in checking my condition.
          The next day, I was offered to go to the puskesmas. This is the first time I went to the puskesmas. I was very surprised at the cost of the puskesmas. Usually, I pay for medicine up to hundreds of thousands, this time I only pay 4000 for administrative fees. Doctor fees and free medicines. I am happy to be able to go to the puskesmas.
          A few hours later, my father and my driver came to pick me up. My parents did not want me to take part in the village activities while being sick. They just want to take care of me.
          A few days after the dandruff, my fever never subsided. I went to the doctor at the hospital to check my illness. The first doctor in the hospital I visited could not find my illness. He also suggested that I come to the professor. Apparently, in my stomach there is a bacterium Helicobacter. Chances are, the bacteria will recover after 6 months from taking the drug.


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