
          I am one of those people who are easily traumatized and hard to recover.
          When i was at 9th grade, i went out of my dormitory to bought some food. But, i didn't ask my mom permission. I didn't take a bath first because i was too lazy to do that. And, i really liked my chlotes that i wore that day.

          In the middle of the ride, i remembered that i didn't have a money to bought some food. So, i said to the driver to stop across the ATM machine. The car stopped and i crossed the road bymyself. When i almost arrived, a motorcycle crashed me and i fell on the street. The motorcycle's rider also broke his motorcycle mirror. People came to me. I was so embrassed. They asked my condition but because i was too shy to be in crowd, i said that i was okay.

          I took my fallen wallet and i went to the atm machine to took some money from it. At that time, i didn't feel hurt yet. I don't know maybe it's because i was too shy to show my hurt feeling. After i took some money from ATM machine i tried to be careful to crossed the street again.

          I came in to the car and i asked my friends, did they see me or not. But, none of them saw me when i was crashed by a motorcycle. So, we just went to the Panties Pizza and bought some pizza. When i ate the pizza, i felt hurt in one of my leg. I tried to not felt it and just ate the pizza.

         When i came back to the mosque near the ATM machine, i prayed with my friends. One of my friend asked us to go to the cat house. But i said that i can't because of one of my leg. So, we decided to go back to the dormitory. When i saw my wounds, it looked horrible. I was so scared that i'll loose one of my leg. So i tried to cured it with some medicines that i had.

          The next day, i came to school with unhealthy body. I felt so dizzy and i can't learned properly. It felt really hurt.

          The next day, i didn't came to school because i tried to heal my leg. I asked my foster parent to bought me more medicines to cure my leg. Not just my leg, all of my part of body felt hurt too.

          Since that day, i never want to crossed the street by myself.

          One day, when it was my early day on my highschool, i asked my friend to came home together with me. We used grabcar until his home and from his home, i took angkot until in front of Angkasa High School. I have to crossed the street to go to my housing complex. I was so scared. I almost cried because my mom doesn't want to accompany me to crossed the street. It was like i almost passed out because of my phobia. So, i just waiting for someone to accompany me to crossed the street.

          At first, i was too scared to asked them to crossed the street together. So, i missed a lot of people who crossed the street. People who stood across me maybe thinked that why that girl just stood and not crossed the street. I was so ashamed.

          Then, i saw some girls that prepared to crossed the street and i asked them to crossed the street together. They agreed so we crossed the street together. I was so happy.

          And it always happen everytime i want to cross the street. Luckily one of them started a conversation with me and held my hand.

         Thanks Allah for giving me some help...


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