Online Transportation For The Society

          An online transportation company was founded by one of the conventional motorcycle taxi passengers, Nadiem Makariem. With one of the motorcycle taxi driver, he knew that the spare time of the ojek driver was used only to sit and waiting for passenggers. Therefore, he began to think and decided to make an application such as social media, which can be used by motorcycle taxi drivers to make it easier for customers to place orders online. In 2011, he managed to create a company and an online application called Go-Jek. With the presence of online transportation, there are many advantages and disadvantages gained by society.
          Many benefits gained by passenggers because of the online transportation. For example, the price of online transportation is cheaper than conventional ride, so they spend less money than usual. Besides, online transportation is more convenient than conventional transportation. Access to get online transportation is also easier. You just have to order it by and application.
          There are also many benefits for online transportation drivers. For example, many of them were unemployed, now they have a job. Or, they used to be motorcycle taxi drivers who were lacked passenggers, now they get passenggers more easily. Some people with less income can also work as drivers for online transportation in their spare time.
          In contrast, for driver of public transport, conventional taxi and conventional mototrcycle taxi, the existence of online transportation is very detrimental. Their income is getting smaller because passengers are increasingly turning into online transportation. Due to reduced income every month, many of the drivers said that they were unable to meet their daily needs, such as paying rentrd. In fact, there is a wife who asks for a diforce.
          Based on the information above, online transportation is very beneficial for the society because it makes passengers easier. Meanwhile, for conventional drivers, online transportation is detrimental because it reduces their income.


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