Life and Dreams

          Introducing, my name is Reshaina Dewi Azizah Zahratuljannah. It's hard to remember, right? Just call me Aina. I was born in Bandung, July 29, 2002 from a couple who were named Endang Syamsudin and Shinta Arialistya. I'm not the only one from them, I have a sister I used to make as a personal assistant, let's call her Lola.
           From childhood I was taught to read books and read the Qur'an. Even my parents have hired tutors to teach me to read the Qur'an. I already like reading because I go to school at an early age. Apart from being in school, my mother likes to read me reading books and teach me how to read. At that time, I went to school at Amalia Kindergarten, located near my grandmother's house.
          During elementary school in Anni'mah Elementary School, I was a diligent student. My report value is still in the 80-90 range. I also often get class rankings. Not only class rankings, I also often participate in several competitions, such as drawing, calistung, and others. But, usually I win drawing competitions, because I really like drawing.
         Besides drawing, I also really like playing music. I like to sing and play the piano. After school, I usually have singing and piano lessons. I usually like to appear on a number of shows, both at school and outside school. I dare to appear in public because my mother said, I am a child who is confident.
        When I entered junior high school, I entered Darul Hikam Middle School. Because it was located far from my house, I decided to stay in a dormitory. In the dormitory, I learned to be more independent and the lesson is still useful today.
         In middle school I was still a smart kid. I often want a good ranking in class. My grades are also still relatively good, still in the 80-90s range. In addition to lessons, I also often participate in competitions, but not as much as when I was in elementary school.
        Aside from studying, I also joined several organizations and were extracurricular, including the Student Council and the choir. At that time, I was serving as OSIS chairman and choir chairman. Not bad, the choir team that I lead was able to appear on several shows.
       Now, I'm going through high school, I go to SMA 3 Bandung. My grades began to decline, but according to people it was natural because SMA 3 had a different level from other schools. During high school I still like to sing and play the piano. I also participated in the Nasyid competition and thank God.
        When I graduated from high school, I wanted to continue studying at the unpad dentistry faculty. I want to be like my father, become a dentist. After graduating from college, I want to get married and have a child. After that, I want to continue my education to become a specialist. I want to take an oral surgeon to be like my father. After that, I want to work in a hospital and save for old age later. I will work as much as possible until the age of 60 years. When I was 60 years old, I wanted to take off my work at the hospital and open my own clinic at home. I will enjoy my old age with my husband and one day I will take care of my grandchildren. I might go on vacation when I'm old.


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